Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Memaw's Biscuits

I used to be a less cynical person, when it came to people that is. I have discovered that if you want to become truly cynical and less hopeful of the good in man, work with the public. I have worked at some truly "character building" jobs since, well..... since I started working. However, the most challinging jobs I have had (by far) were 1)the Methodist Children's Home and 2) dispatching at both Bienville and Lincoln Parish Sheriff's offices. I have seen and heard things that at some point made me question the goodness of God. Now wait a minute,....before some of you decide to jump on me, hear me out. I'm sure everyone has had moments like this. The rape, abuse, and mistreatment of children tend to make one sit back and ask, "God why do you allow this to happen?" If you have NEVER done that, than you must have super hero Christian "powers", and I stand amazed at your ability to not have those moments. I, however, admit my inability to remain so strong in my faith. Yet another thing that adds to my extreme cynicism is the overflow of RIDICULOUS calls I receive (and received) everyday I work (worked) at the sheriff's office. (Past tense is in regards to Bienville parish). I'm not talking the legit calls i.e. : traffic accidents and the sort. I'm talking: "my neighbors headlights shine into my window at night and it wakes me up"or, "I want this man out my house, he hittin' me and stuff" (two days later same caller) "I want this man out my house"---didn't we remove him the other day, "yea, but we was doin' alright and he said he was sorry, but I'm sick of him today." To quote a great philosopher: "AAARRRRGGGHHH!!! GOOD GRIEF!!! (mad props to you if you can name that philosopher) I swear, some days I feel like this world has gone mad and there is nothing good left. I keep thinking: "Jesus I know your just around the corner and I am SOOOOO ready!" I, however, saw the sweetest thing that took me back to simpler times. I was in SuperOne in Ruston on Sunday; I was rushing to grab a snack to take to my church group when I heard something that made me stop in my tracks. In the cookie isle was a white haired grandma looking lady, in front of her was a buggy with (what appeared to be) two little grandsons (maybe 6 and 8) sitting in the buggy. That scene was touching, but what capped it off was when I heard "grandma" say, "Now get what you want." Instantly, I was taken back to the times My sister and I would spend the night with Memaw and Pa. She would pick us up, we would go to Brookshire's, and she would tell us that same thing, going down the cereal isle. "Memaw can we get this cereal?" "Get what you want", was the reply. We would then go to the house, watch tv and have cereal and a ham sandwich. In the mornings, usually the first thing to wake us up, was not Memaw, but the smell of sausage cooking and (you guessed it) Memaw's biscuits. In that moment, at SuperOne, I was taken back to a sweet time. A time when things were good, and everything was made right with Memaw's biscuits. I realized, in that instant, that maybe everything wasn't so bad. At least for two little boys, who probably enjoyed cereal, ham sandwiches, and their very own version of "memaw's" biscuits.


Sarah said...

Hey Winter! Good post! You always make me think when I read your post! That's good!
Anyway, like I said we are coming to town...which is better for you..Thursday or Friday night?? Let me know..both are good for me at the moment!!

Anonymous said...
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Billy and Christy said...

That is a very touching post. I am glad that you pointed out the good. So often, I only think of children I see mistreated/ignored I see in the store.

Anonymous said...

charlie brown. now what do i get for my mad props? hahaha

Unknown said...

A symbolic pat on the back and a thumbs up...I'm doing it right now. Really I am!

Billy and Christy said...

trust you to be the one to know the song... I will post the correction immediately - otherwise, I could have a bunch of mad Homer bloggers on my hands - there could be a riot... or not. Yeah, we are pretty settled in now. How's Ruston?

knelson said...

Hey Girl!
LOVE YOUR NEW BLOG....background? (not sure of the technical name) It looks great.
I really cannot imagine (maybe a little) what horrible things you may have to hear on any given day. How discerning of you to be able to see the "I just wanted to remind you" message from God. I have come to learn He sends them often - we only need to be listening or watching for them.(which is why I miss many of them). See you soon!

Sarah said...

Hey Winter! It was good seeing you too!! We will have to do it again! (But not wait so long this time!) Hope your week goes by great! I will let you know what I find out. Thanks for the prayers!

Unknown said...

Thanks Mrs. K, I like the background as well. I think it's more tranquil. How have you been? I haven't seen you in a while.