Sunday, June 04, 2006

Being saved is NOT a free ticket to sin! So why should I be a Christian?

When I was in high school and started going to church, I had a great youth minister by the name of Mike Teague. Now Bro. Mike (as we all called him) used to say: salvation is not a free ticket to sin. I used to agree, because, for one thing, he was right, but I never truly understood what all that entailed. I thought, duuuuhhhhhh, of course you can't go out and get drunk, kill people, steal, be a nympho...I could go on and on. What I was looking at were the so called "big" sins or "obvious" sins. However, I'm seeing something that is becoming a huge problem. I'm as guilty (probably more so) as anyone else, when it comes to this. The problem is this, Christians who are going around letting cuss words fly, drinking and going to clubs (just to dance or for what ever reason) and being perfectly ok with it, because they are covered by these four words: "God knows my heart". You're right God does know your heart, but does the nonbeliever sitting next to you know your heart, does the agnostic dancing next to you at the club know you're a believer. What do these people see that is so different in your life that would make them stop what they are doing (and having a very fun time doing, mind you), lay it all down, pick up their cross, and follow Christ. If you honestly think the answer to that question is anything but NOTHING, then you are sadly, sadly mistaken. We are living in such a time where Christians are put under a microscope and criticized for EVERYTHING we do. I would rather be criticized for doing the Christlike thing than to make up my own rules and have nothing to back it up with. The Bible says we are in this world BUT not of it, and while we are in this world we are to "shine like stars in a crooked and depraved generation". That doesn't mean that we go around with picket signs and tell everyone what they are doing wrong. What we are supposed to do is spelled out for us in the Word, follow the example of Christ, plain and simple. Be a light, forgive as we have been forgiven, set an example in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity. As a Christian, we can't just go around making up our own rules! Look to Jesus before you go or do ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. Honestly...I mean H-O-N-E-S-T-L-Y... ask yourself would Jesus be on this dance floor doing what I'm doing? Would Jesus be telling and or laughing at this joke? Would Jesus be happy that I am about to jump into bed with this person? Would can fill this in with your own question. Jesus is THE EXAMPLE, not Billy Graham, Beth Moore, Ron Luce, Louie Giglio, or anyone else that you can think of. Jesus Christ is the plumb line and only by Him can you measure anything. I think we have gotten away from that truth. We want to read good "christian" books to tell us how to live, how to raise our children, or to interact with other people (believer or nonbeliever). In the process, we have replaced the simplicity of discovering the truth in God's Word and spending time with Him to reveal to us what we should or should not do. If I've offended anyone by what I've written, well I don't apologize... I think maybe you should dig into why your offended. I've only spoken the truth and what God drove home with me just a few days ago. I'm not writing as if to someone else, this was a truth that had me weeping (seriously) in the middle of my kitchen at 10:00 at night. I know too many people that are heading down a path of destruction, but have labled themselves Christian. I'm talking about self proclaimed swingers, liars, homosexuals, adulterers, nympho's, racists...and I realized, I can't say anything to anyone of these that I've mentioned, when I am not standing apart and even make exceptions for certain sins. Why would anyone want to be a true christian, when they can just do what they want, when they want because God knows their heart and he will forgive them. I know I'm rambling at this point, but this truly is a problem that needs some radical movement. We need to be so broken and on our faces before the Lord for what is going on in the "church" today. And broken over the confused and misled that are on a path leading straight for hell. Oh Lord God, break our hearts for the sin in our land, heal the broken and confused. Lord we need you so desperately. I pray that we as Christians, can start truly being a light and a true representation for Christ. Forgive my rambling, but this is such a burden on my heart right now.


Michael, Meg & Naomi said...

Winter- thank you for sharing your heart and what God is teaching you! It's really hard to look into yourself and allow God to truly change you! My prayer this week has been for consistentcy. Not just to hear from God, read his word, or pray, but actually pay close attention and not let it slip by- going back to my self-suifficient mindset that I typically have. Meg

Sarah said...

Hey Winter! I'm sorry I'm such a slacker! I do love reading your blog, I'm just not the best at commenting! Anyway, we should be coming in sometime in the next few weeks and we should get together. I'll let you know when we come!

Unknown said...

Please do...I'm needing to be around other claiborne parishners (I made that up all by myself) or just some "old school friends".

Sarah said...

Hey Winter....are you working Thursday night or Friday? I am coming in town and wanted to see you!

Unknown said...

I'm off thursday and working til 6pm friday. Let me know what works!