Thursday, March 23, 2006

Kinda like an Ice cream tester...who's lactose intolerant!

You know there are things, in and of themselves, that are bad or embarrassing, when they happen. However, when compounded by other things, such as a job title, they can seem so much more worse. For example an ice cream tester who is lactose intolerant, a pirate who gets severly seasick, a dog groomer, who is allergic to dogs, an Orkin man who screams like a little girl at the sight of a bug, or a deputy sheriff who, on her lunch break locks her keys in the car and then has to call the sheriff's department to come and unlock her vehicle as she waits outside in the cold to wait for a deputy because she refuses to walk back inside the subway so that everyone knows the deputy has locked her keys in the car which would only add to the humiliation she is already experiencing and would only get more of when she walks in the doors of the sheriff's department! Now it may seem like I'm speaking from experience, but that would be preposterous!! I could and would never do a thing like that, I'm just saying wouldn't that be bad if it did happen!


Sarah said...

WINTER!!!!!! Hey girl!! It's been way too long!! Glad to hear you are doing well! I will be in Homer this weekend and the next. We should get together sometime. Oh and hey..if you are looking for some "extra money" I am game! I love your massages! And no...I am not looking for anything more than a GOOD Winter massage!! LOL!!

Unknown said...

Sarah that would be great! Let's hook something up, just give me a call.

knelson said...

The only thing I hate about the "deputy who might lock the keys in the car" is that I WASN'T THERE TO SEE IT !! lol only you, girl!

Unknown said...

I can always count on you for moral support Mrs. K. :p

Michael, Meg & Naomi said...

I hear you know my sweet little sister! You totally confused her when you said you knew me and Michael. It doesn't take much to throw her for a loop!

Unknown said...

That was my aim, I knew it would totally freak her out. You should have seen her face!

Sarah said...

I will..only problem is I don't have your number. LOL! E-mail it to me at!

Unknown said...

Did I forget to mention it WAS in gear and rolling down the... No just kidding.:D Keep your head up Tina! You know I'm here for you, anytime.