Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Yeah, yeah, yeah...I know I'm stinkin it up with my blogging. Please forgive me. I was even reprimanded on myspace by a blogger turned covert myspace stalker, I won't name names. Now, I would like to take this opportunity to give a shout out to Jessica Bufkin, what up Homeslice!!!
Now I want to get onto the matter at hand. For those of you who are not familiar with Dog the Bounty Hunter and his posse, check this out
If you haven't been paying attention to the news or haven't found this to be of any kind of importance, here's the dealio. Apparently, 3 years ago Dog, his brother Tim, and son Leland went to Mexico based on a tip that one Andrew Luster was there. Andrew Luster, for those who don't know, happens to the most gangreous cancer on the butt of humanity. Senor Luster apparently drugged, raped, and videotaped approximately 86 women in the US, then fled to Mexico to live out his life in freedom and fun. Dog, who has been a bounty hunter for about 25 years, made it his personal mission to bring Luster to JUSTICE. He went to Mexico, like I said earlier, and it just so happens the tip paid off and they found Luster. They made a decision and apprehended Luster, however, according to the Mexican "law" bounty hunting is illegal. Mexican officials saw the commotion and arrested the whole lot of 'em. Eventually the Federalis, did come to understand who Luster was and he was sent back to the US for JUSTICE. However, Dog and His Posse spent a few days in a Mexican jail. They were held for, I forget exactly how the mexican police termed it, basically kidnapping. According to Dog, once he was released on bail, his attorney brought them back to the states and told them it was a minor charge. Now fast forward three years later to September 14, 2006, US Marshall's storm Dog's, Leland's, and Tim's homes on a "Mexican" warrant. They arrested him in the name of Justice. Yes, what Dog did was "illegal", but my goodness...what do you call what Luster did. Dog and his crew took a dispicable man off the streets and brought JUSTICE for those women Luster brutalized. Now OUR GOVERNMENT, the good Ol U.S. of A., is actually taking orders from the Mexican government, and actually considering extraditing a truly good man on completely bogus charges!!!! What is wrong with the law?!?!!!!!! Sometimes I think the old west ways weren't so bad, you know. This man was as guilty as sin and should have been thrown under the jail, however he was released on a million dollar bond (chump change for the heir of the Max Factor millions) and was able to hop the border and party for months without any recourse...until the DOG!!!! I don't care what you think about the show, Dog, Beth, or anyone else on that show... that man is a HERO and He did a very HONORABLE thing. Paula Cole asked a very good question a few years back...where is my John Wayne?....Where have all the cowboys gone? Well there is one good man left and he is under house arrest, awaiting the US's decision to extradite? My friend Big Nate has a quote on his myspace that states...Evil men prosper, when good men fail to do anything. Thank God for good men, who do right even when everyone else tells you to back down. FREE THE DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


elly said...


Billy and Christy said...

Amen to that!

knelson said...

Free the dog!