Disclaimer: By no means, in writing this post, am I saying that I am in any way a moral authority or perfect by any means!! I also readily admit that I am not perfect and know that I make poor choices pretty much daily. Furthermore, I am not attacking this particular organization as a whole, nor can I blame just one person either. Finally, it is with a burdened heart that I write this post, take it or leave it.
Ok, so you all know that I do massages at the Lambright at Tech, and I workout there as well (which you may not have known). Last night I took off from massaging, but I did go to workout at around 7:45. I got done around 9:15, and having been in the cardio room the whole time, I was unaware that an organization at Tech blocked out one of the gyms for a night of skating, which was in full swing by the time I finished working out. I was hanging out at the front desk, swiping cards and chatting with my friend Meg and it was at that time I discovered which organization was sponsoring this shindig. The music was loud, but I really wasn't paying attention to it, for the most part. It wasn't until somebody said, "that's Roll Out". Which is a rap song with not so good language and content. It wasn't until I heard "Back That A** Up", that I finally went in the gym, because the music was so loud and bouncing off the walls I really couldn't tell if the song was edited or not. I went in there to find out if this organization had gotten a dj or if this was totally run by this "ministry". I discovered much to my saddened heart that it was indeed entirely run by them. I was talking with one of the guys there and he truly had a problem with the music being played, but as I looked around it would appear that he was the only one. Yet another guy that I was talking to, and I love this kid, said, "people won't come if all we play is chrisitian music." I thought how sad is that, this would have been a wonderful opportunity to show the world that there is all kinds of different christian music out there and that you can have fun without being lewd, vulgar, or crude. Unfortunately, this ministry went with the flow, in fact, they were no different than any other organization that has rented out the gym for skating events. How sad...how sad! Jessica, Meg and Michael, John and Amy, and all you old schoolers I think you all would have been appalled. I think of the damage that was done, because EVERYONE that came in that night was told, "if you want to skate, the BCM is sponsoring it in the red gym". Now I know nobody was killed or maimed or anything along those lines, it's not physical damage I'm referencing. I thought what if somebody needed to see Jesus last night. What if somebody needed to be encouraged? What if somebody has been wondering, "what's so different about these christians?" Alas, after last night they would have found their answer, which was nothing...nothing at all.
Give me some feed back here, if I'm wrong let me know.
well - I am stunned. Will have to check into this. Thanks for the info.
dang lady,
i mean at the very LEAST there's some secular music that isn't completey filthy. speachless.
Hmmmm...This is an interesting situation. There's alot of great secular music out there. There's also alot of great, upbeat, skate-party worthy Christian music, too. (Relient K!) But songs with inappropriate words should not have been played there. At the very least, an edited version should have been played, if they absolutely had to have that song there.
My problem lies in the fact that someone told you that noone would come if they only played Christian music. My understanding is that this skate party was part of BCM Twirp Week, which is, as far as I know (and correct me if I'm wrong) just for BCM'ers and their dates. This is not an outreach to lost people. And I just don't see why the BCM people wouldn't come if only Christian music was played.
maybe it's just one more thing to put in the apology letter. love...hate...rap music.
That's what got me amanda and jennifer, I mean they didn't have to play just christian music. There are fun secular songs out there that wouldn't make me want to hide under a rock if my mama was listening to it. It's like let's find the most offensive ones we can. I also heard a slow jam that talked about some bumping and grinding. Don't get me wrong rap and R&B is my favorite genre of music but the stuff that's out there now is absolutely filthy and don't let me get started on R. Kelly!!!
Not really surprised....
How so, ashley?
I would love to elaborate, but I think it would be better to do it in an email.
what apology letter?
Yeah Shonnie, what apology letter? I'm still out of the loop on this love/hate thing.
okay, I was being a little sarcastic. The way the thing on campus was explained to me was that after these love/hate signs go down (for everyone else that has no idea about what goes on on campus -there were signs all over campus...some said love and some said hate and people put comments on them about what they love and hate)there was going to be a banner hung in the don miller style that has an apology letter apologizing for some of the hate comments. My comment was basically coming from the part of me that realizes that some part of us as christians doesn't really want to change on an intimate level, we just want people to know that we aren't "really" that way. So, we can go to this party and be a bad example because we can apologize later and when we get to know these people later in life that say "hey, weren't you at that party with that music" we can say "yeah, sorry, that's not really who I am"
I'm assuming Shonnie is talking about this "love, hate" thing and I don't think it's a good idea to create things "they/we" have to apoligize for. After reading some of the blog, I think there's plenty non-believers have against Chritians and I don't think we should make more intentionally.
If any of you don't know what the "love, hate" thing is all about, Mrs.Kathy had a post with the website. There is a ton of stuff on there that really shows what many people think about believers. I recommend you all check it out.
Finally, I think the BCM's actions the other night has alot to do with the head leadership of the group. These students should be being taught how to live as Christ and reminded they are Christ's example.
That's my 2 cents.
Thanks for filling me in on that shonnie. that's a very good point, unfortunately with this thing, no one person can be pinpointed but a whole organization is labeled. (so to speak)
Too true meg or michael or both, too true.
Ok, so I didn't scroll down far enough to see Shonnie explained. So I guess I didn't have to attempt to also. But that was my 2 cents. It saddens me when people just don't get it when it comes to living their life to glorify the Lord!
oh, that was the wisdom from Meg
Meg, it was a very disheartening thing to witness. I can't believe that noone in there thought..."would Jesus be pleased?"
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