Sunday, July 30, 2006

Just a quick note

I wanted my blog fam. to know that I have been given the opportunity to share my testimony on the 1st. If anyone is in the area I would love for you to come; it will be at Calvary Baptist Church in Ruston at 6:30pm (in the back). If you can't come (and even if you can) I would greatly appreciate your prayers. Thanks so much, love you all!!!!
By His Grace---Winter

Monday, July 24, 2006

SEX,SEX,SEX.....Enough Already!!!!

Now that I've got your attention. I have debated for a while about posting this, and I have decided I have nothing to be ashamed about. In this day and age we are bombarded with sex. Sex to sell anything from cars to shampoo. Sexual inuendo is in practically everything: tv commercials, tv shows, movies, magazines, enema instructions for cryin out loud...ok, maybe not the enema thing, but you catch my drift. The thing that aggravates me and depresses me, is the fact that most people assume, because I'm 27, I have done the horizontal mambo (I know, that's tacky). Why, is a question I DON'T ask myself anymore. I've had people ask me, "do you have any kids?" I reply, "No...I'm not married". Then they look at me funny, as if I have something hanging out of my nose. Then I kindly explain to them, I'm a virgin and I'm waiting until marriage. Oh, the looks I get then. Most are looks of shock and awe, some of disbelief, and some look at me as though I'm lying. Of course I get questions and the silliest one has to be: "Don't you ever think about?" No...I am so pure and holy that I am able to block it completely out of my mind whenever I turn on the tv, go to walmart, or watch a movie. Give me a break. As much as I would love to be able to say I have been completely pure (in mind and action), I cannot say that. I'm gonna go ahead and be honest, it's not easy maintaining purity...especially in these days and times. Doing the Godly thing is NOT, I repeat, NOT easy. If it were, everyone would be a christian. No, it's not easy, and noone could ever accuse me of saying that it was. That's why I am so thankful that God promises in His Word: "I will NEVER leave you or forsake you" and "Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I WILL give you rest." Can I be even more honest with you? Do I want to get married, Boy do I!!!! However, I would rather be single and stay a virgin the rest of my life, if the alternative was to sacrifice my morals, beliefs, and body to be with someone who I wasn't supposed to be with. I tried the sacrificing of morals thing, never want to do it again. To any guy and any girl reading this (that is single) there are worse things in this world than being single!!! What, you may ask, could be worse? How about giving you heart to someone who doesn't love you, doesn't respect you, and could care less about being with you. I've seen that over and over in so many people, all for the sake of not being alone. Wanting to feel loved, even if there is only one person giving love. I understand that loneliness, man do I understand it, but it is NOT worth the pain it causes to be with Joe or Jane blow down the block for one moment of pleasure. Wait, I say, wait upon the Lord. Don't give Him a time limit, He doesn't work on your time table. He knows what He is doing, and He knows better than anyone who you or I should be with. I promise you, He will never, EVER let you down. Better yet, He promises, He will NEVER let you down.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Confessions Part 2....

I have to confess something (yet again). I have been terrible for the past couple of months with the whole eating right, exercise, no carbonated surgary beverages thing. Alas, even three weeks ago I fell off the wagon and had me a gool 'ol Dr. Pepper. I had hoped that because I had gone nearly 3 & 1/2 months without a "real" coke or d.p. (only coke zeros), that I would hate the taste. Oh but NO, that was not the case. The moment I took that first drink was almost like one of those herbal essence commercials. It was the most glorious thing I had dared to drink, EVER!!! The eating right and exercise flew out the window, pretty much the day I swithced positions and started dispatching. I went from a steady monday-friday 8a-5pm job, to 12 hour shifts 6to6, one month month nights, two on...three off...two on...two off...three on...two off...repeat. Basically 11 hours stuck in this small radio room, with a coke and snack machine right around the corner. I have gained 4 pounds from my original posting back in march (see: Hi, My Name is Winter and I'm an). Now this is weight gained after losing about 7 pounds before I started dispatching. Therefore, (for those of you whose math may be rusty) I have gained a grand total of 11 pounds since about mid April. I'm turning into a lazy blob and I hate it, yet I cannot find the self motivation to change it. I realize just HOW MUCH of a problem I have, and really how much I need some help (more like lots of help). Is there anyone here in Ruston that would be willing to do first place or something like that with me? First Place was a really good program for me in high school, but I am willing to try anything. Thanks for any help anybody can offer, even if only in prayer.